Management , Training & HR

Management, Leadership, Training & HR Training Courses
Code Course Name Period Date (Start) Date (End) Location Fees
ML 01 Introduction to Management Principles 5 Days 06-01-25 10-01-25 London 1990 KD
ML 02 Fundamentals of Strategic Planning 5 Days 13-01-25 17-01-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 03 Effective Time Management for Managers 5 Days 20-01-25 24-01-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 04 Improving HR Business Leadership Through Technology 5 Days 27-01-25 31-01-25 Singapore 1500 KD
ML 05 Introduction to Organizational Development 5 Days 03-02-25 07-02-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 06 Advanced Strategic Planning Techniques 5 Days 10-02-25 14-02-25 Al Riyadh 1500 KD
ML 07 Managing Complex Projects and Programs 5 Days 17-02-25 21-02-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 08 Change Management for Organizations 5 Days 24-02-25 28-02-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 09 Business Continuity Planning Essentials 5 Days 03-03-25 07-03-25 Amman 1500 KD
ML 10 Crisis Management for Leaders 5 Days 10-03-25 14-03-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 11 Basics of Operations Management 5 Days 17-03-25 21-03-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 12 Inventory and Supply Chain Management 5 Days 24-03-25 28-03-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 13 Lean Management Principles 5 Days 31-03-25 04-04-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 14 Process Improvement with Six Sigma 5 Days 07-04-25 11-04-25 Baku 1950 KD
ML 15 Total Quality Management (TQM) Essentials 5 Days 14-04-25 18-04-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 16 Financial Planning for Non-Financial Managers 5 Days 21-04-25 25-04-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 17 Budgeting and Cost Control Strategies 5 Days 28-04-25 02-05-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 18 Financial Decision-Making in Management 5 Days 05-05-25 09-05-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 19 Managing Profit and Loss Statements 5 Days 12-05-25 16-05-25 Muscat 1500 KD
ML 20 Risk Assessment in Financial Management 5 Days 19-05-25 23-05-25 London 1990 KD
ML 21 Introduction to Leadership Principles 5 Days 26-05-25 30-05-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 22 Building Leadership Confidence 5 Days 02-06-25 06-06-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 23 Decision-Making Skills for Leaders 5 Days 09-06-25 13-06-25 Geneva 1950 KD
ML 24 Emotional Intelligence (EI) in Leadership 5 Days 16-06-25 20-06-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 25 Building and Leading Effective Teams 5 Days 23-06-25 27-06-25 Al Riyadh 1500 KD
ML 26 Strategic Thinking for Leaders 5 Days 30-06-25 04-07-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 27 Adaptive Leadership in Dynamic Environments 5 Days 07-07-25 11-07-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 28 Transformational Leadership Strategies 5 Days 14-07-25 18-07-25 Amman 1500 KD
ML 29 Building a Leadership Culture in Organizations 5 Days 21-07-25 25-07-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 30 Authentic Leadership Practices 5 Days 28-07-25 01-08-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 31 C-Suite Leadership Development Program 5 Days 04-08-25 08-08-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 32 Leadership for Organizational Excellence 5 Days 11-08-25 15-08-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 33 Leading with Vision and Purpose 5 Days 18-08-25 22-08-25 Baku 1950 KD
ML 34 Succession Planning for Executives 5 Days 25-08-25 29-08-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 35 Leading in a Global Environment 5 Days 01-09-25 05-09-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 36 Effective Communication for Leaders 5 Days 08-09-25 12-09-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 37 Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders 5 Days 15-09-25 19-09-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 38 Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leaders 5 Days 22-09-25 26-09-25 Muscat 1500 KD
ML 39 Negotiation and Persuasion Techniques 5 Days 29-09-25 03-10-25 London 1990 KD
ML 40 Building Resilience as a Leader 5 Days 06-10-25 10-10-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 41 Introduction to Human Resource Management 5 Days 13-10-25 17-10-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 42 Basics of Employee Onboarding and Orientation 5 Days 20-10-25 24-10-25 Geneva 1950 KD
ML 43 HR Policies and Procedures Development 5 Days 27-10-25 31-10-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 44 HR Metrics and Analytics for Beginners 5 Days 03-11-25 07-11-25 Al Riyadh 1500 KD
ML 45 Compliance Essentials in HR 5 Days 10-11-25 14-11-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 46 Strategic HR Management 5 Days 17-11-25 21-11-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 47 Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategies 5 Days 24-11-25 28-11-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 48 Succession Planning in HR Management 5 Days 01-12-25 05-12-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 49 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs 5 Days 08-12-25 12-12-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 50 Workforce Planning for Organizational Growth 5 Days 15-12-25 19-12-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 51 Fundamentals of Training Program Design 5 Days 22-12-25 26-12-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 52 Adult Learning Theories for Trainers 5 Days 29-12-25 02-01-26 Baku 1950 KD
ML 53 Delivering Effective Training Workshops 5 Days 06-01-25 10-01-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 54 Designing E-Learning Content 5 Days 13-01-25 17-01-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 55 Building a Learning Culture in Organizations 5 Days 20-01-25 24-01-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 56 Advanced Facilitation Skills for Trainers 5 Days 27-01-25 31-01-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 57 Instructional Design for Modern Learners 5 Days 03-02-25 07-02-25 Muscat 1500 KD
ML 58 Gamification in Training Programs 5 Days 10-02-25 14-02-25 London 1990 KD
ML 59 Virtual Training and Online Facilitation Skills 5 Days 17-02-25 21-02-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 60 Training Needs Assessment Methods 5 Days 24-02-25 28-02-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 61 Introduction to Performance Appraisals 5 Days 03-03-25 07-03-25 Marbella 1950 KD
ML 62 Setting SMART Goals for Employees 5 Days 10-03-25 14-03-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 63 Conducting 360-Degree Feedback Assessments 5 Days 17-03-25 21-03-25 Tunis 1500 KD
ML 64 Managing Poor Performance in the Workplace 5 Days 24-03-25 28-03-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 65 Continuous Performance Improvement Strategies 5 Days 31-03-25 04-04-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 66 Fundamentals of Employee Engagement 5 Days 07-04-25 11-04-25 Amman 1500 KD
ML 67 Building Trust and Motivation in Teams 5 Days 14-04-25 18-04-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 68 Recognizing and Rewarding Employee Achievements 5 Days 21-04-25 25-04-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 69 Measuring Employee Engagement Levels 5 Days 28-04-25 02-05-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 70 Retention Strategies through Engagement 5 Days 05-05-25 09-05-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 71 Shaping Organizational Culture for Success 5 Days 12-05-25 16-05-25 Baku 1950 KD
ML 72 Managing Cultural Change in Organizations 5 Days 19-05-25 23-05-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 73 Building High-Performance Cultures 5 Days 26-05-25 30-05-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 74 Fostering Collaboration Across Departments 5 Days 02-06-25 06-06-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 75 Driving Innovation Through Organizational Development 5 Days 09-06-25 13-06-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 76 Essentials of Workplace Diversity 5 Days 16-06-25 20-06-25 Muscat 1500 KD
ML 77 Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace 5 Days 23-06-25 27-06-25 London 1990 KD
ML 78 Inclusive Leadership Practices 5 Days 30-06-25 04-07-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 79 Designing and Implementing DEI Initiatives 5 Days 07-07-25 11-07-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 80 Creating Safe Spaces for Employee Discussions 5 Days 14-07-25 18-07-25 Geneva 1950 KD
ML 81 Leveraging HR Technology for Efficiency 5 Days 21-07-25 25-07-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 82 Introduction to HR Information Systems (HRIS) 5 Days 28-07-25 01-08-25 Al Riyadh 1500 KD
ML 83 Implementing AI in Talent Acquisition 5 Days 04-08-25 08-08-25 London 1990 KD
ML 84 Data-Driven Decision-Making in HR 5 Days 11-08-25 15-08-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 85 Digital Transformation in Human Resource Practices 5 Days 18-08-25 22-08-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 86 Fundamentals of Change Management 5 Days 25-08-25 29-08-25 Marbella 1950 KD
ML 87 Leading Change in Organizations 5 Days 01-09-25 05-09-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 88 Managing Resistance to Change 5 Days 08-09-25 12-09-25 Tunis 1500 KD
ML 89 Change Communication Strategies 5 Days 15-09-25 19-09-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 90 Measuring the Impact of Change Initiatives 5 Days 22-09-25 26-09-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 91 Fundamentals of Conflict Resolution 5 Days 29-09-25 03-10-25 Amman 1500 KD
ML 92 Managing Workplace Conflicts Effectively 5 Days 06-10-25 10-10-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 93 Mediation Skills for Managers and Leaders 5 Days 13-10-25 17-10-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 94 Conflict Resolution in Cross-Cultural Teams 5 Days 20-10-25 24-10-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 95 Preventing Escalation of Workplace Disputes 5 Days 27-10-25 31-10-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 96 Introduction to Project Management Principles 5 Days 03-11-25 07-11-25 Baku 1950 KD
ML 97 Agile Project Management Basics 5 Days 10-11-25 14-11-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 98 Managing Complex Projects Successfully 5 Days 17-11-25 21-11-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 99 Risk Management in Project Execution 5 Days 24-11-25 28-11-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 100 Mastering Project Scheduling Techniques 5 Days 01-12-25 05-12-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 101 Leadership in Oil & Gas Operations 5 Days 08-12-25 12-12-25 London 1990 KD
ML 102 Healthcare Leadership Development Program 5 Days 15-12-25 19-12-25 Dubai 1500 KD
ML 103 Education Sector Leadership Practices 5 Days 22-12-25 26-12-25 Istanbul 1750 KD
ML 104 Leading Non-Profit Organizations Effectively 5 Days 06-01-25 10-01-25 Marbella 1950 KD
ML 105 Retail Sector Leadership Strategies 5 Days 13-01-25 17-01-25 Madrid 1950 KD
ML 106 Talent Management Essentials 5 Days 20-01-25 24-01-25 Tunis 1500 KD
ML 107 Identifying High-Potential Employees 5 Days 27-01-25 31-01-25 Kuala Lumpur 1750 KD
ML 108 Building Career Development Frameworks 5 Days 03-02-25 07-02-25 Singapore 1950 KD
ML 109 Managing Talent During Mergers and Acquisitions 5 Days 10-02-25 14-02-25 Amman 1500 KD
ML 110 Aligning Talent Strategies with Business Goals 5 Days 17-02-25 21-02-25 Munich 1950 KD
ML 111 Basics of Employment Law Compliance 5 Days 24-02-25 28-02-25 Paris 1950 KD
ML 112 Managing Workplace Harassment Issues 5 Days 03-03-25 07-03-25 Cairo 1500 KD
ML 113 Ensuring Compliance with Labor Laws 5 Days 10-03-25 14-03-25 Abu Dhabi 1500 KD
ML 114 HR’s Role in Employee Rights and Protections 5 Days 17-03-25 21-03-25 Baku 1950 KD
ML 115 Investigating Employee Grievances 5 Days 24-03-25 28-03-25 Barcelona 1950 KD
ML 116 Managing Workplace Stress for Managers 5 Days 31-03-25 04-04-25 Doha 1500 KD
ML 117 Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace 5 Days 07-04-25 11-04-25 Amsterdam 1950 KD
ML 118 Building Resilience in Teams 5 Days 14-04-25 18-04-25 Alexandria 1500 KD
ML 119 Wellness Programs for Organizational Success 5 Days 21-04-25 25-04-25 London 1990 KD
ML 120 Balancing Productivity and Wellbeing 5 Days 28-04-25 02-05-25 Dubai 1500 KD
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